
About Diluc

Diluc... I can't stand him! If there was no Diluc, there would be no Mondstadt wine industry; if there was no Mondstadt wine industry, Daddy wouldn't drink; and if Daddy didn't drink... he would keep me company. Ohhhh...

About Kaeya

How is it that even a captain is a disgusting boozehound! You know, that guy who's got that laugh! He downs drink after drink. Ugh!

About Venti

Venti? I'm not familiar with him... He's a bard? Oh, he must be that guy who sings tunes to entertain the drunkards. Well, then I don't like him, no no no...

About Barbara

How come all my fans are drunk middle-aged men, while Barbara's are all young people...? Hmph! So stupid. Forget it!

About Jean

Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius... A rare, mature adult who doesn't drink... But perhaps a little too earnest, cause is it just me, or are the Knights overdoing it a bit on protecting me?

About Albedo

Alchemy genius? Hmm... I wonder if he knows of a way to finally help me make a drink that people don't like?

About Lisa

Lisa is so nice and gentle! But... how can such a gentle person also be a regular drinker!? Ohhhh... Why!? ...There's really no hope for Mondstadt, is there?

About Xiangling

Xiangling once gave me a "so-awful-it-goes-with-nothing" food combination she came up with, saying how it tasted absolutely terrible, blah blah blah... It didn't work, no use at all. All my little cat ears heard that night was "One more cup of that good stuff!" *sigh*

About Klee

Every time Klee wants to play with me, I take her somewhere far from the tavern. Alcohol and explosives... yeah, that's a dangerous combination! I mean, do I want to destroy the wine industry of Mondstadt? Yes, but not in that sense!

About Draff

I adore my daddy more than anyone else! He's the greatest! But... Daddy after he drinks, ugh... Argh! I must bring an end to the wine industry of Mondstadt, and soon! No time for chit-chat!